Sunday, March 2, 2014
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Kid Cudi & OnCue

music industry these two guys are on two different spectrums. OnCue is as underground as it gets and Kid Cudi is not. Doesn't matter though. These two rappers on these two c.d's that I mentioned are on top of their game. Both these c.d.'s should have sold Platinum unfortunately only one did. Now I say this alot but I'ma going to say it again these c.d.'s are classic if I was stranded on a desert island these would be the only two rap c.d. I'd ever need. Word! By the way OnCue has alot of mixtapes that you should check out and download. Their free so why not?
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Beastie Boys
Growing up in my small town every white kid that was into rap wanted to be a beastie boy. Who I wanted to be most was Ad Rock. Probably because I knew I could never sound like MCA. In a matter of fact no white rapper has ever sounded like him. To many M.C.s' sound the same. But MCAs' voice much like Easy-E voice was very unique. Plus back in the day MCA was a bad ass rapper. I was very sad to hear he passed away of cancer. Im also sad that their will be no more beastie. Through out the years I have had many good times listen to the Beastie Boys. I got to see them live in 2004. They kicked ass. Adam Yauch will be missed.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Die Antwoord

Friday, July 30, 2010
Lords of Acid

Pulled out Lords of Acid(Voodoo -U) from the old c.d. collection and blow off the dust from it. I was having a couple of drinks and playing some pool. So I pop it into the c.d. player. I haven't listen to it in a long time. Its a great c.d. Not every song is great. But this c.d. was definitely ahead of its time and a must have. I guess there is a stripped down version of this c.d. now with out the vocals. I'm telling you this c.d. could have been released this year you wouldn't know it's 16 years old. The c.d. cover is crazy. One of the best covers ever. If your into Hardcore techno you should check it out. They have other c.d.'s with totally different sounds but this one is their best.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
LL Cool J

Thursday, June 25, 2009
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